Voice Modem w/USB
Art.No.: MOD-GSM-1No ratings.
The Voice Modem w/USB connection is a reliable and easy to use 56K Phone/Internet/Fax modem that connects computers to the internet using a dial up telephone connection. Device ManageR software users will be able to create automated alerts for Room Alert and TemPageR environment monitors network wide via a phone call where the alert text is spoken via the computer when the recipient phone is answered. The modem connects to a USB port on a networked PC running AVTECH's Device ManageR software with the Dial Out Bundle installed. When used as an alert method, Device ManageR can trigger the Voice Modem w/USB Connect to dial one or more phone(s) directly and speak the alert text generated by the alert. Alert messages by voice start when the line is answered and are repeated three (3) times to account for message settings and where the recipient may be in a noisy environment and need to have the alert reported for clarity and complete receipt.
The modem is powered by the connected PC with no external power source required. All Room Alert and TemPageR monitors network wide can share the use of this modem.
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