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11n Wireless Broadband Router
Art.Nr.: SP916N802.11n WLAN Broadband Router
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11n Wireless Broadband Router
Micronet SP916N, 11n Wireless Broadband Router, delivers next generation wireless solution of high speed and cost-efficient network. It is compliant with IEEE 802.11 Draft-N and backward compatible with IEEE 802.11b/g. Best selection for small office where all computers and network devices can share Internet access through a single xDSL/cable modem. In addition, the scope of the network can be easily expanded by connecting the router to a hub or switch.
- Provides IEEE 802.11b/g/Draft-N wireless LAN capability
- High Internet Access throughput (Up to 300Mbps)
- Share a single Cable or xDSL Internet connection
- Four wired LAN ports (10/100M) and one WAN port (10/100M)
- Support DHCP (Server/Client) for easy IP-address setup
- Advanced network and security features like: Special Applications, DMZ, Virtual Servers, Access Control, Firewall
- Allow you to monitor the router's status like: DHCP Client Log, System Log, Security Log and Device/Connection Status
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Produs 9 / 10